Today I made candy apples as a surprise for my niece and nephew! I will drive them over to them later tonight! I could not choose a favorite photo so here are several.
And....Penelope Ann and Atasha I think I did not send you your Christmas Tree Taffy earrings!!! I just found each packaged up in my PURSE!!!!! (that was the other surprise, sorry...I'll send them to you soon)
ROFL - I cant believe there's more! YIKES! You're such a sweetie! I love you - the candy apples look D-LISH! OMG! I think the bubbles have something to do with temperature? not that ive made any - but I watched Martha a couple of times! LOL!!!
I used a candy thermometer for once and got it to temp? IDK I'll have to try again next year. I love the shine! :) Happy Halloween!
Wow! I really love this monster and even though I've never had Candy apples (Yes I am from earth) they look delicious!
And I get a surprise? Yay! You are just too sweet. I failed on Alyssa's costume and bought her a top and pants instead of making them. Boo to me!
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