
I was feeling 'miss my mommy' when I got home I got in bed with a cup of coffee and turned my 5 hr DVD of Martha's Handmade holiday and LOVED every minute of it! I had forgotten about her super simple stocking is - 10 mins start to finish - no joke! The only catch is you need fabric that looks good on both sides - you only work with 2 pieces - SO simple! As soon as I get a tri pod for my cam Ill be doing a vid tutorial - well, I guess I could do a pic tutorial - we'll see! I used a double weave Liz Claiborn Upholstery fabric in purple and cream with some vintage lace. Martha used double woven remnant wool rug pieces and hers are GORGEOUS!
Wow 10 minutes? Although I don't believe you :-) Maybe I will make one for me. Everybody in this house has nice stockings except me. Brocade would work yes? A lot of them look so pretty on both sides but I have to get PINK my fav. I love it!
But wait I got my days screwed up how come my last post had Day 27 LOL what am I drinking and no one said anything?
whatever youre drinking...can i get some?! LOL! Brocade would absolutely work, so would tapestry - I would love to find a nice piece of double weave toile. Heres the break down fold the fabric rt sides together, put your existing stocking on the fabric, pin and cut - extend the top enough to make the size cuff you want I did 4 inches (i depends on how big your stocking is) stick pins in where your cuff begins, then sew from pin to pin around the 'stocking' once your done turn and press then your cuff is already right sides together at that point and you just sew both side seams of the cuff - turn it down and youre done. I put trim on my mine but you certainly dont have to!
Oh it is gorgeous!!!!! I can't wait to see your video tutorial.
Thank you! I am going to try one. I actually found some pinkish Brocade but it's actually pretty ugly hahaha I must have gotten it on sale or something. Hopefully it comes out decent
wow. you are so talented! these are beautiful!
Awwww - Thank you Courtney Rae! XO
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