Today's Entry
Woody from Toy Story's Vest
This is a special order for my friend's son. He is going to be Woody for Halloween and they couldn't get the vest in a store probably because we all waited so late to get stuff. So she asked me yesterday if I had time to do it. I didn't even measure her son but I know he is smaller than my son so I really hope it fits otherwise I'll be making another one.
I like those earrings!!! Do you ever do any pieces in sterling? I have a metal allergy so I always have to ask!!! OMG the costume is tooooooo cute! What are your little ones dressing up as?
I just got my order. Everything is so lovely, I was so excited. Alyssa wants to wear her earrings later. I haven't left the feedback yet because I wanted to upload appreciation photos. I will try to do it later when her hair is combed and she is dressed :-) I'm pretty upset with you today though, I am supposed to be fasting and how am I going to do that with Hershey's and Whoppers staring me in the face? hahaha
Yes I have 6 pairs of sterling silver earring wires and pins. I just haven't used them yet. I've been looking for pretty beads that catch my eye to make them with it.
Baby Ashleigh will be a fairy, not sure of the color but Alyssa wants her to be a pink fairy just like her. Christopher is going as Captain Jack Sparrow. He wanted to be Spiderman but the costume turned out to be too small and had to be returned. I still have to make Alyssa a wand, Tiara, tights and top. It's just too much
Hurray!!!! I'm so glad that Alyssa liked her goodies! Yippee!!! I can't wait to see the pictures. You are so going to have to let me know when you make some sterling sets! Either way I'm going to have to order some turquoise pieces for my Mom for Christmas. I can't wait to see the Halloween costumes. Ha, Ha, Ha about the Chocolate. Mr. C is killing me because I can't eat it and he has it in the house. I ate some whoppers last night and got SUPER sick from them.
Your jewelry is STUNNING!!!
Well Gail. Failure tonight on the photos. Alyssa acted like a complete donkey, kicked the baby and was sent to her room. Will try tomorrow.
Thank you Penelope Anne
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