This is SUPER, refreshing, delightfully chilling and I have perfect for these humid summer nights we have been having! Our wonderful neighbor Celeste sent some watermelon home with Mr. C the other night. I am usually do not like melon but this last year I have really been wanting give them another try.
Here is my recipe for 1 or 2.
1 cup of seedless watermelon (or watermelon with the seeds removed)
6-7 ice cubes
1 teaspoon Splenda
1/2 teaspoon to 1 TBS Lemon Juice
Small sprinkle of sea salt (a seriously small pinch)
1/4 Cup water (enough to keep the blades from locking up on the blender)
I put all of the ingredients in the blender except the ice cubes. I put them in two at a time. I pulse only. Continue to pulse until all ice is in tiny bits and everything is blended.
I can't wait to try this with some lime and mint!!!
oh good grief! can you pass me a glass please!!!
Must have one!
These really are so good! Sometimes I even double up the ice and keep all of the other ingredients the same and dump it all in a bowl and pretend it is a giant bowl of ice cream. It stays cold for a long time unless I step outside. SO GOOD!
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