Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pride Tie

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 315 Scarf #3 & Want-Tees :)

I dyed my hair again last night!!!
I made a couple of tees tonight.

I also finished scarf #3. Thanks to Renee's ruffle instructions (and fabulous fabric stash) awhile back it went together super easy. This was also an infinity or loop scarf ;)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Proud Baby

Renee brings out the best in me.

Yesterday I had a lot on my mind and I wasn't feeling well so I thought I would escape into my own world and sew.  Seeing Renee Saturday inspired me to drag out some bright fabric and sew Lil O and Baby M some skirts.  Renee told me about making them with elastic but since I was tooo lazy to leave the house yesterday to buy elastic so instead I made them drawstring. 

Here's the fabric ~ purple floral, a back to school funky print, a purple, teddy bears and Noah's Ark. 

Drawstring Skirt

My very first one.  This floral print was see through so I paired it with some white fabric underneath.

Drawstring Skirt

Lil O liked it:

Drawstring Skirt

Then I moved on to make one for Baby M.  After I made the bear skirt she hugged me and told me I was her best friend EVER!!!

Drawstring Skirt

Each girl has 5 skirts a piece.

Drawstring Skirt

Drawstring Skirt

Day 314 Sewing mishaps and other fun stuff

Last nights mishaps made me laugh really, really hard and had me walking around the living room like a penguin and literally rolling around on the floor laughing hence the wrinkled fabric in the first photo.
Okay the shorter, "outer" fabric, the BEAUTIFUL, fabric from Renee was meant to be a skirt for moi. Ahem I didn't not account the need for extra fabric prior to adding elastic... basically this it fit from my ankles to my knees. It originally was longer than the lining fabric. Now I will either shorten the lining and if it fits my niece. OR I will cut it up and add black and green panels and still make a skirt for myself. (Thank you Makayla for modeling this morning)

Infinity scarf for my Paris trip ;) This fabric was also from Renee's fabric stash! I'm so in love with it!!!! This project was also pretty funny watching me trying to turn it right side out, pulling, and pulling, and pulling, and pulling, and pulling (still not so sure what happened there).

I pulled out the crooked top stitching above the piping. It was driving me nuts. It is no longer crooked and I am so happy about it! :)

Mr. C actually helped unravel all of these ends except for one!!! It was funny he would stop me every few minutes and say, "tie" or, "knot this".

The other end still needs to be unraveled. I finished a seam with a matching thread about a 1/2 inch on the long sides so that when I wash it the black threads will unravel. This fabric is so super soft.

Brocade Checkbook Cover Testing ;-)

I love everything about Brocade except sewing with it.  UGH...the slipperiness drives me nuts. When the idea came to me, I immediately did an Etsy search for Brocade checkbook covers and there was NONE.  Well 1 person's item came up but it was Brocade print paper covered in vinyl so NONE.  Now that I am done I know why I'm the only dummy who did this hehehe

I knocked out 100 flower clippies between last night and late afternoon.  That's what's consuming the time I should be sewing

i fell asleep without posting last night

but this is from last night...

and this is tonight :D

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2 checkbook covers in Aqua

I loved this piece of fabric

Made this one this morning.  It's sold

So I made this right after ;-)  just a tad different

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 312 & 313 Ice Cream Dress

Here is the Ice Cream Dress for DJ Nave's little girl! I love the colors :) I'm so excited. I a few more things to gather up before I put the package in the mail on Friday. Then away it goes to Japan! :D

It was my first time sewing with swiss dot. I've been dying to all year. I didn't realize that it was so transparent so chocolate may have not been the best color choice. (You can see where I joined the yoke and the bodice together). I still think it turned out super cute. I hope she enjoys it and has fun wearing it!

Everyone has been busy on here!!! Which is VERY exciting because I've been in kind of a funk since my niece went home. Hmmmm just the inspirational kick in the patoosh that I needed. ;)

Free Gift - Key fob with trinkets

I just made this as a free gift to go with the Chocolate Brown Polka Dot bag which I am so happy to say, sold this morning ;-)  About to pack it up nicely to ship


Monday, July 26, 2010

i have no idea what day it is! lol

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Kimonos are DUN!

I had the best little day ever! Got to the studio early
Supermom decided to pay me a visit (YAY ME!)
I finished the Kimonos (DOUBLE YAY)
And I turned a killer Michael Kors Tee into a ROCK OUT tank for a 3-4 year old!
One of the best days on record!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Knock Knock, can I come in?

Sorry I've been missing in action.  Everything is busy.  Here's what I've been working on:

~ Taking care of kids since they are out of school.

~ Today I strained off the echinacea vodka. 

~ I went to see Renee's new shop!

Love it!!!

~ I did a web commercial which is top secret and I'm not allowed to blog/talk about it.  I had really amazing people in my house for three days. 

~ I designed a new header for my blog and changed my tag line.

I wanted a change.  Like it?  Hate it?  Put the other one back?

~ I also designed a header for a new blogger:

She's a shoe freak!  :)

I think that about covers it. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Im beat :)

the nights i just stand and cut stuff out kill me! (mainly my back and legs) lol!