Upon request here is my first tutorial for the 16 crayon roll. There are also dimensions listed at the end to make an 8 crayon roll.
Click on the link for the Crayon Roll Tutorial PDF file or Right Click and Save Link As PDF to save a copy to your computer (It opens faster if you save it to your computer).
Please let me know what you think! Feel free to use this tutorial to make your own crayon roll for gift or for sale. You can also blog this tutorial or Tweet all I ask is that you link back to either the 365 Days Creation Challenge Blog or to Guurrrl Design Bloggity Blog.
Guurrrl - this is brilliant! Im totally making one! XO
Fantabulous! :-)
Thank U!!!! They are so much fun to make! I'm going to try to make some of the ornaments tonight!
Thank you so much!!
I'm expecting one and have a 1year old niece, and when the time comes... crayons will be the best of friends now!!
Again, thank you so much for taking your time to do this.
O. M. G.
I got this wonderful package in the mail when I got back from my fabulous vacation!
Gail, they are AMAZING. Thank you for sending them to my girls.
All of your creations while I have been are super SWELL!! You and Renee are ROCK STARS!!!!
:D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
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