I soooo do NOT know how I did NOT know about this movie coming out??? I ordered a pendant today from ItsAllAboutThePrint on Etsy. I can't wait for it to get here!!! To continue on my excitement I made a Max Christmas ornament. I wanted to make several of these tonight but I have a doozy of a headache. So I'm going to bed early.
The ornament ROX - will you be selling them? Seriously awesome!
I SO did not know. I SCREAMED. Then I suddenly turned into a 4 year old and told Mr. C that I wanted a monster...like a real one, ha, he was like a costume? I was like no like in the movie! HA! I think I will put these in the shop if I can make my stitches prettier...sometimes I do good then all of sudden blamo they get all out of whack.
I think it's perfect! It looks just like the book illustration!
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