Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brocade Checkbook Cover Testing ;-)

I love everything about Brocade except sewing with it.  UGH...the slipperiness drives me nuts. When the idea came to me, I immediately did an Etsy search for Brocade checkbook covers and there was NONE.  Well 1 person's item came up but it was Brocade print paper covered in vinyl so NONE.  Now that I am done I know why I'm the only dummy who did this hehehe

I knocked out 100 flower clippies between last night and late afternoon.  That's what's consuming the time I should be sewing


Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

Baby Cakes - Im right there with ya...before I even finished reading your sentence I said to myself...'i love it to, just not sewing with it' lol! LOOKS FANTASTIC THOUGH!!! GREAT JOB! and WHOA on the clippies!!!!!